Please Complete the Form Below to Contact Us:

We've tried to put everything about the club on the website but often we find that people have questions we just didn't answer (we will put them on our FAQ page!). If you can't find what you are looking for, complete the form below, let us know when a good time to contact you would be and we will get in touch with you, usually within 24 hours.

Of course you can call us at anytime; we want to hear from you!

We value your input, suggestions and comments. Want to suggest a theme for a party? Send it to us! Want to request music? We're listening! A way to improve? Here's you opportunity to be heard! The email address and phone number are optional so you can be anonymous if you like.


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Who We Are

The Foothills Club was established in 1985, initially a house party, over the years, growing into a hotel party. Events are hosted in Anderson, South Carolina; currently looking for additional locations too!

We are a private membership only club, open to everyone 21 and older, regardless of age, sexual preferance, race, sexual experience, or fantasies. We do not discriminate, we only ask that you be respectful of others.

We are open to couples, single ladies and single men who want to flirt, tease, seduce, dance, socialize and have adult fun. We host the parties but it's our members who make it the party!


With events in Anderson, SC., we are convenient to everyone in the Southeast!

Looking for an adult weekend getaway? Our host hotels provide the amenities you need to make your stay comfortable and relaxing and ready for play too!

We have members from Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alambama and even Florida! Don't let distance keep you from attending one of our events!